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自我介绍简单的说是"认识--了解--欣赏"三个步骤。参加公务员考试也需要使用自我介绍。自我介绍要注意把握时间,控制自己的情绪。良好的自我介绍需要平时的学习。 那么你收集了多少优秀的自我介绍?经过搜索和整理,小编为大家呈现“自我介绍范文面试简短英文2000字精选”,欢迎您参考,希望对您有所助益!

自我介绍范文面试简短英文 篇1



思想上,我积极要求上进,以党员为目标严格要求自己.我还利用课余时间深入了解各系团总支、学生分会和学生社团的日常职责及工作情况,协助各学生团体之间开展联谊活动,增进了各学生团体之间的交流。通过这些活动,不仅营造了良好的学习氛围,还丰富了校园文化,充实了新同学们的业余文化生活,还增强同学们的集体荣誉感、团队精神. 在可贵的四年大学生活里,我经历了人生不曾有过的许多东西,我只能说四年助就了我成功的一半,我自信能凭自己的能力和学识在毕业以后的工作和生活中克服各种困难,不断实现自我的人生价值和追求的目标。

I am _ _ _, the international politics major, four years of university life is the key point in my life. The campus life career and social practice, I constantly challenge themselves, to enrich themselves, a solid foundation for the realization of the value of life lay.

I am learning, down-to-earth, realistic and innovative. Have been efforts to learn professional knowledge, master the analysis method of social science and natural science. Combining the understanding of Chinas foreign policies, regulations and international political theory and political science, the dynamic development of the world economy. In order to improve their social contacts and other aspects the ability of using knowledge, I actively participate in social practice. These experiences not only strengthened my hard-working, self-supporting ability, but also improve my ability to cooperate with others and contacts.

I thought, positive progress requirements, to the party is strict with myself. I also used the spare time to understand the Department of youth daily responsibilities and work of student branch and student organizations, to assist each student organizations to carry out activities, enhance the communication between each student groups. Through these activities, not only to create a good learning atmosphere, but also enrich the campus culture, enrich the new students amateur cultural life, but also enhance the collective sense of honor students, team spirit. In the precious four years of university life, I have experienced many things in life dont have, I can only say that four years will help half I succeed, I am confident of their own abilities and knowledge in the work after graduation and overcome various difficulties in life, realize their value of life and the pursuit of the goal.

自我介绍范文面试简短英文 篇2

Hi everybody! It's really my honor to be here to introduce myself.(大家好,今天能够在这里介绍我自己真的是我莫大的荣幸)

My name is ##.I'm ## years old.I was graduated from ## (学校名字).My major is ##.(我叫##,今年##岁,我毕业于##学校,我学得是##专业。)I'm very good at ##.(我很擅长##。)


I hope I can get the job,and I will try my best to do it well.(我真诚的希望我能得到这份工作,我一定会尽最大的努力去完成每项任务)

That's all.Thanks for your attention.(我说完了,感谢您的倾听!)

自我介绍范文面试简短英文 篇3



2)个人基本资料( basic information)

3)个人教育背景(educational background)

4)工作经历(working experience)


一、开场白(opening part) - 10%开场白主要是说一些客套话。看似无关紧要,但却是自我介绍的一个重要组成部分。它一方面显得自己比较有修养,有礼貌。同时也是给一个机会让自己放松,也能初步展示自己的英语水平。所以,开场白要显得自信,并且发音要正确,清晰。


1.Good morning everyone.大家早上好。

2.Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.先生们,女士们下午好。

3.Good evening, teachers and fellow students.老师们,同学们晚上好。

4.It’s my great honor to introduce myself to you here.很荣幸在这儿向你自我介绍。

5.It’s my pleasure to introduce myself here.我很高兴在这儿向你自我介绍。

6.I’m very happy to introduce myself here.我很高兴在这儿向你自我介绍。

7.I’m very glad to introduce myself here.我很高兴在这儿向你自我介绍。

8.I feel very honored to introduce myself here.我感到很荣幸在这儿向你自我介绍。

9.It is a great pleasure for me to introduce myself here.我是如此的高兴在这儿向家自我介绍。

10.It is a privilege [ privlid] to be speaking to you today.今天能跟你谈话真是我三生有幸。

二、个人基本资料( basic information) – 10%在个人基本资料的介绍中,面试者一般可从以下一些方面对自己的基本情况进行说明。如姓名(中英文),年龄,来自,兴趣爱好等。

补充:个人基本资料- 模板

1. Now I am gonna introduce myself briefly.提示句,给对方信号,我要开始介绍了。

2.My name is …, and you can call me …介绍自己的名字。

3. I am … years old, I was born in …city, … province. Now I am living in …出生地,现在居住…性格特点:I like traveling very much and enjoy working with people.我非常喜欢旅游,喜欢和人打交道。 one of my best qualities is my friendliness and open—minded attitude.我最的优点就是待人非常友好而且性格开朗。 I am very tolerant of people and have been told that this is one of my strengths我待人宽容,别人都说这是我的优点。

三、个人教育背景(educational background) - 30%个人的教育背景是考官最看重的'部分之一,所以在对个人的教育背景进行描述时,一定要注意内容的真实性和完整性,并且也要注意表达的逻辑顺序和表达方式。教育背景介绍一般分为以下几个部分:



1.I was graduated from … in …

2.专业:My major was …, which was …

3.学历:In…, I got my … degree in the field of…

4.获奖情况:I am a/an … person. So I spent most of my time on study so that I have got many certificates and awards, like…

5. 总结:Technically, I believe that I am the right person for this position.

四、工作或研究经历(work or research experience) – 40%工作经历可以说是考官最看重的应聘者的一项求职技能,以往的工作经历可以助考官全方位的了解应聘者。同时,应聘者也可以通过对过往工作经历的描述,展示自己工作能力,从而说服考官。在描述工作经历时,要注意从三个方面来进行展示:



3.具体的工作内容。此外,在描述工作的同时,也可以加入一些对个人性格的描述,通过工作的经历和业绩来证明自身的性格。相辅相成,有理有据。 Now, I am applying for …直截了当讲出自己的求职意向。 In July 20xx, I began the work as a waiter/waitress/tour guide …. in a hotel/restaurant/travel service…. called …, in… . And my work was to make dinner reservation for guests/seat guests/ take the order/ serve dishes/ take the bill……

五、结束语(ending) – 10%结束语意义并不,但是它的确也是自我介绍中,不可缺失的一个部分。目的主要是让自我介绍的结构显得更加完整。以下是一些比较经典的自我介绍结束语:


1.Thank you for your opportunity.

2. I appreciate the opportunity to let me attend this interview. Thank you for your time and consideration.

3. Thanks for your consideration. I look forward to getting this chance.

自我介绍范文面试简短英文 篇4

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

Im ChengXiaXia. Its my great honor to have a self-introduction here. Im a postgraduate from HuNan Agricultural University.

First of all, Id like to talk about my experience. Being an excellent English teacher is my dream. I used to work in the lion king education group as an English teacher. I was glad that I benefited a lot from it. The most important thing is that I learned a new way about how to be a good teacher: just think in the way of students, if I were the students, can I make a better understanding of what I say? After I left this company, I kept on teaching middle school students in another training school. (Under the pressure of examination, they do suffer a lot in their own school. But in my teaching ideology, only help students set their goals and know what they want to be, can they be willing to work hard and overcome difficulties, which will improve their study. Then the confidence is built naturally. They become more willing to study. That is a virtuous circle. )

The second one I want to share is my hobby. Wow, I got lots of hobbies. I like sports a lot. 400-meter run is my speciality in college, as my legs are long enough to run. In my spare time, Im a fan of billiards, too. Its interesting and gentle. I have a lot of fun with my lovely friends. Besides, I keep on studying everyday, as Steve Jobs once said: Stay foolish, stay hungry. Ive always wished that for myself.

Last, I want to say, only you really love something then you will put yourself completely into it and try your best to achieve. I believe I am suitable for this job. I love it, so I can do it well. Mast Education is such an excellent and respectable company and I dream of working here. Thats why I come here to apply for this job. Thank you very much!


自我介绍范文面试简短英文 篇5

Good morning/afternoon, my profeors.I am Gao Shaojie from Hainan University.Today, it’s my great honor to have this opportunity for your interview, and I will make efforts to show my personal best.Now let me introduce myself briefly.

During the past three years, I have enjoyed an unforgettable college life in Hainan University.I obtained not only the fundamental knowledge of my specialty, but also many friends in life.Generally speaking, I am a studious student, especially when doing the thing I am interested in.I have participated China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling and America Mathematical Contest in Modeling.In these two contests, I have tried my best to unit my team members to overcome all sufferings we met.I am a person with great perseverance, because I always think that the achievements the Great men attain are from their diligence and perseverance, so I should learn how to work hard as the Greats to pursue a brighter future.

I hope I could have a better understanding in Vehicle Engineering by studying further.And here are so many remarkable profeors, experts; they are all best examples for me.They will teach me not only how to study, but also how to be a better man.

Well, in my spare time, I like singing, reading, running and playing basketball.While singing lets me enjoy myself, reading renders my mind more matured, doing sports helps me keep fit physically.

For a long time, I have been dreaming to enter this renowned university and further my education here.If I could have the honor to study here, I believe my undergraduate education would be an invaluable aet in my academic life in Hainan University.And I am ready to realize my dream.

Thank you very much for your attention!WwW.Qx54.COM




许多同学问我英文面试内容之类的,我也不知如何做出比较全面的回答。每个学校的`面试内容、面试风格不一,面试老师很多是随机、随性提问不同领域、不同层面的问题,或关学习,或关生活,或关细微之事,与你相关的生活常态都有可能成为面试问题。举例说明,在湖大,老师问我学习、科研、学生工作等经历后,再问我怎么从海南过来的,by train or by ship,用了多久;在中山,老师根据我的简历重点在科研方面提问;在同济,老师问我海南怎么样,有哪些水果,我列举三四,待我说我最喜欢芒果之后,老师便问,芒果尝起来如何。所以,面试很随意,话题无界限,心态要稳定,平常心能胜。



